Studying in college

Hey there!
I'm Ding…

I am a university student with broad interests, currently majoring in BMIS at the University of Aberdeen-South China Normal University Joint Institute.


Writing and Content Creation

I frequently write about technology, business, and digital lifestyle on My submissions have been featured in the Matrix community selection and have been recommended on the homepage.

Exploration and Learning

Beyond tech, I am passionate about understanding the economy and business landscapes. I enjoy exploring the tech industry, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and keeping up with international events. In my spare time, I seek out interesting places and great food.


Writing and Content Creation

I frequently write about technology, business, and digital lifestyle on My submissions have been featured in the Matrix community selection and have been recommended on the homepage.

Exploration and Learning

Beyond tech, I am passionate about understanding the economy and business landscapes. I enjoy exploring the tech industry, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and keeping up with international events. In my spare time, I seek out interesting places and great food.